Drs. John and Julie Gottman have more than 40 years of experience conducting research, and doing clinical work with couples. They are well-known for having created the terms – the “masters” and “disasters” of marriages, being able to predict with remarkable accuracy the couples ability to grow in therapy, and those who will divorce. The Gottmans are also authors of many popular books on couples’ relationships.
The Gottman method starts in the first session, discussing and determining if this is the right approach for a couple. The next step is each partner completes a separate detailed online assessment that highlights 40+ dimensions that affect the well-being of their relationship. The therapist receives a computer-generated analysis of the couple’s responses, identifying strengths, and problem areas with detailed recommendations for treatment.
The Gottman assessment can be used as a stand-alone tool for quick in-depth assessment of a couple’s strengths and weaknesses. Next steps can either follow the Gottman model’s recommendations that have couples performing different structured exercises, practicing skills in the session. Or as an alternative approach we can depart from Gottman’s formalized interventions, and use the assessment findings to inform a more process-oriented treatment, working with the couple to improve how they are interacting in the present moment.
I am trained in the Gottman method, and completed post-graduate studies in marital and family therapy that included structural, strategic, and family systems as well as Bowen’s family of origin theories.